Eat the Word

The Bible is the infallible, inspired word of God (in all its sufficiency, necessity, authority, perspicuity) and he has revealed himself to us therewithin. Experience only goes to further reinforce that belief.

Second Timothy 3:16 is real. Whether it’s the first time in awhile or it’s become a habit, it’s always the same. Scripture moves me. It changes me. There’s no other book like it. Starting and ending my day in the word makes a world of difference. I need the loving slaps in the face that remind me who I’m living for and what I’m here to do. It can be hard to get me started, but once I do it satisfies a hunger I hadn’t noticed was there. I’ve only read the entire thing straight through once, though some passages I’ve read a hundred times. But the words never get old. In this age of “newer is better” and information overload, that’s pretty dang crazy. I know all this, and still it’s a struggle.

If I’m not actively engaged in the Bible on a daily basis, multiple times a day, all that I do is worthless and meaningless. A vanity and a striving after the wind. No matter how well-intentioned. You can do a whole lot of good in the eyes of the world, even receiving accolades from fellow Christians, but that’s not what matters in the end. Gain the world lose your soul type deal.

Sniff sniff. Legalism? No. High view of Scripture coupled with low view of man means READ IT.

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