Game-Changers I

Over the course of twenty-three years you pick up a thing or two. Though the following revelations might sound overly simple or trite, they served to and even now shape/inform the person I am today.

“Is God not enough for you?”
Distinctly remember my freshman year, sitting in a dorm hallway with a friend, way past any sensible bedtime, sharing a few recent struggles. To which he responded with the above one-liner and it knocked me off my feet. Because how could I ever say that he’s not. No matter what I’m lacking, no matter what I’d like to have, the fact that he shows me love and grace when I’ve never for a second deserved it is literally all I need.

“Blessings are your thorns, thorns are your blessings.”
Along the lines of getting caught up in the gift not the Giver. It’s the hardships in life that have caused me to cling to him and affirm what it is that I really believe, what it is that I’m really living for. They show me what’s in my heart. As wandering and wayward as my heart can be, in the end he irresistibly and gently calls it back. It’s the gentleness I fall for.

“Love is not a feeling it’s an action.”
Probably the most oft repeated, yet difficult to live out. There’s another quote I forget from where that goes, he has bound himself to us in a covenant so that even though feelings come and go, the relationship remains unchanged. When love is only an action and never a feeling I find myself grumbling/despairing. But more often than not feeling tends to follow action. Or at the least, action (based on biblical imperatives) tends to be a more trustworthy guide than is feeling.

“Best prayer you can pray for someone is that they’ll love Jesus first and foremost, above everything else.”
Not like praying for success, happiness, health, stability, relationships is bad. But everything in life ought to take a backseat to and acknowledge the ultimate purpose in life. It’s not about us. To be selfish for God’s glory, for his name to be proclaimed and made known, not ours. When Jesus is front and center, everything else is put in proper perspective, and no matter what the situation, there is joy.

“The only thing beautiful about me is Jesus Christ.”
The beauty industry is in the multi-billions, yet no amount of makeup or even surgery can remove our sins like scarlet and give us hearts as white as snow. I am attracted to and deeply captivated by beauty and would be a much vainer creature were I not convinced everything withers and fades, but his word and what he has called us to stands forever.

“Must hold onto the commands just as tightly as onto the promises.”
That we might be less a people that cries “Lord, you said you would do this and this” and more a people who asks “Lord, show me in every crevice of my heart and soul how I can further submit myself to your will.”

“We’re not to hold back any of our heart, mind, strength, or soul.”
Love him with all of them was never fully comprehended till considered in the reverse. Senior year in college during small group my co-leader presented it thus, and enabled me to see how much I was holding back, was yet wary to let go.

“Strength is for service, not status.”
Not just physical strength, talents in general. Though at times I question whether I have any to speak of. It’s the 10,000 hours of practice pointed out in Outliers; I want to get really good at something, think he puts that desire in all of us, but must keep in mind that it’s not for personal acclaim, and all for serving him and his Kingdom.

“You can’t be a lone ranger Christian.”
Those who believe all you need is a relationship with Jesus and a bible, I was one of them. Christians proved to fail and disappoint possibly more than non-Christians, because you place that extra expectation on them. The ever-increasing awareness of my own depravity and duplicity beckons me to treat others with the patience/gentleness I hope to be shown. And it’s only in personally experiencing/offering that grace and mercy that we see hints and shadows of what God has done for us.

“Great danger is not that we will renounce our faith, but settle for a mediocre version of it.”
I can go for months without really reading the Bible, long stretches without pouring out my heart in prayer. Assurance of salvation allows me to feel excused to exert efforts in more “pressing and immediate” concerns. It’s like getting married and spending all your time with everything/anything but your spouse, since you’re bound to him in a covenant and you know you’ll never abandon each other. But for all intents and purposes you already have. I want my relationship with God to be more dynamic and real and life-giving than any earthly one.

Crazy Stupid Love

The moment when you’re expecting the worst-case-scenario and suddenly confronted with the best-case-scenario. Has yet to really hit me. Impossibilities mere months ago are now realities. Just super happy. Praise him in the good times and in the bad. This is one of the good ones.

Old Dogs

As of this moment things are as they were. All too soon everything will change. For better or for worse. I’ve always sought the safety of darkest shadows and intentional ambiguities. Forever misunderstood, forever determined to keep it that way. I’m willing to roll the dice because I underestimate the repercussions. “I’ll pay for it later” sits okay with me. Once you start losing track of regrets and lessons mislearned, anything goes. I want to be wise. I want to benefit from the wisdom of others. But how can you leash passion and expect it to meekly heel at your side. Can’t stand lukewarm. If I’m going to do something I’m going to jump in with both feet, both arms, and all my heart. Scared? Not quite. Anxious? Decreasingly so. Prepared? Anything but.

At what point is change no longer a viable option. Don’t want to be set in my ways but not ready to let go. Maybe I’m on the plane, parachute on my back and door flung open. Waiting. Do I believe it’s worth it? Unequivocally yes. So I’ve jumped after all, committed to falling, hurling down toward the ground but feels like floating. Bracing myself for a bruised knee when it could be a broken neck. Do I believe it’s worth it? Unequivocally yes. Love I barely recognize you; take my hand and let’s dance.

Favorite line from favorite Kid Glass song: “I may fuck up and if I do, please please please forgive me.”

Scared? Yes.


Along the lines of shoot for the moon even if you miss you’ll land among the stars. Progress not perfection.

  1. Read one book a week. All the ones I own first.
  2. Keep up with my 90-Day Bible plan every day till I die.
  3. Go to morning prayer every weekday I’m in town.
  4. Find a way to express love each week to those dear to me even if far away.
  5. Write a paragraph of book every damn day.

I’ll start with these and alter as I see fit. Tomorrow is a new day. (: